
The information of the company (be it e-mails, letters, manuals, agreements, contacts, etc.) is just that: It is the information of the Company and is not shared with anyone outside the Company or even in the Company if there is no business reason for it. Similarly, any information obtained from a Customer is not disclosed or shared outside of the Company and even then only with those within the Company to whom it pertains.
In short, employees are not permitted to disclose any Company trade secrets (commercial or otherwise), any confidential or personal information that they have been given access to in order for them to properly carry out their duties. This obligation extends to a fixed period of time after an employee leaves the Company as well.


Our Company

Established in 1999 in Ghana, Barry Fausn Company Limited is one of the leading international freight forwarding, relocation and project logistics .. read more...

Customer Profile

Customers range from large multinational companies to small independent importers/exporters and domestic companies moving logistics or re-locating. read more...